- Administration Team
- Vision and Mission Statements
- The Way Of The Wolf Expectations
- Behavior Expectations
- Our School Stands Against Discrimination
- Dress Code
- General Procedures
- Our School Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
- Our School is Gender-Inclusive
Administration Team
6928 116th Ave SE
Newcastle, WA 98056
Assistant Principal (6)
Assistant Principal (7)
Dean of Students (8)
6th Grade Counselor
7th Grade Counselor
8th Grade Counselor
Ms. Kandi Ellis
Dr. Elaine Love
Mr. Jacob Clotfelter
Ms. Tauna Nelson
Ms. Sophia Simpson-Verger
Ms. Andrea Lehwalder
Ms. Maggi Kellogg
Vision and Mission Statements
Fostering curious, capable, courageous, compassionate learners
- Ensure a safe and welcoming environment
- Engage learners in rigorous academic experiences
- Use inclusive practices to value the potential within each learner
- Support mindful decision-making
- Broaden each learner's perspective of self and community
- Embrace taking risks and learning from mistakes as part of a growth mindset
- Inspire integrity in all members of our school community
- Build collaborative relationships
- Honor each contribution to our collective success
Each of these commitments is also in support of our Renton School District vision of Service, Excellence, and Equity. Learning is about growth, taking risks, and stretching in new directions, all of which best occur in an environment where it is safe to explore, question, examine, and create, and where barriers to learning are removed and stakeholder voices are involved in decisions. We owe it to our students, staff, and our greater community to uphold these commitments as a means of fostering students’ curiosity, capability, courage, and compassion.
I strongly encourage every parent/guardian to join and participate in the Risdon PTA as a positive way to make connections with other Timberwolf parents. We appreciate having parents and families involved in school events, helping to shape the direction of our school. We also encourage family members to complete the volunteer clearance process so that they can participate fully at the school and join in assisting at various activities, including volunteering with hallway/commons supervision and building rapport with students as part of the Gamma Pack.
For student engagement beyond the classroom, we have many clubs, intramural athletics, activities, leadership groups, homework centers (Study Zone), etc., each of which offers opportunities to partner with other students and staff in supportive and interesting ways. I encourage all students to visit our attendance/activities office or our school website to find out about the many ways to be involved.
I am proud to serve this community, and excited to travel through this school year with such talented students and staff! Please partner with us on this journey to help make this a wonderful school year for everyone!
Kandi Ellis Principal, RMS
The Way Of The Wolf Expectations
The Way of the Wolf | School-Wide | Restroom | Halls | Commons-Meals |
Curious |
Capable |
Courageous |
Compassionate |
The Way of the Wolf | Bus | Guest Teachers | Formal Assembly | Pep Assembly |
Curious |
Capable |
Courageous |
Compassionate |
Behavior Expectations
We are focused on fostering curious, capable, courageous, compassionate learners. Appropriate and positive behavior is an expectation we have of our students at all school events and activities, and when students are on any district property. Respect for oneself and others is our standard for conduct, and we support an environment that teaches and reinforces the value of maintaining respect and taking personal responsibility for our actions. In order to maintain a positive atmosphere at Risdon, students should be aware of and respect the personal, emotional, and physical boundaries of others. Courtesy and mutual respect among students and staff are integral to creating a friendly and positive school environment. Students are responsible for knowing and following the school rules and behavior expectations as outlined in this handbook. Behavior not meeting these expectations will result in restorative conversations and/or progressive corrective actions (RSD Policies and Procedures 3241).
Honesty, trust, and integrity are important aspects of the Risdon learning community. To this end, students shall refrain from:
Plagiarism: The taking of another person’s words, works, thoughts, or ideas, and presenting them as your own.
Cheating: Fraudulent or deceptive acts for the purpose of improving one’s grade, such as copying, stealing answer keys, using unauthorized resources, or assisting another student to gain an unauthorized advantage.
Consequences for academic dishonesty may include a grade of Insufficient Evidence (I.E.) on the assignment, or may require a retake, or may involve a classroom consequence, as well as notification to the parent/guardian (first offense).
- Students riding bicycles to school must adhere to these guidelines:
- Walk bikes once on school campus.
- Lock bikes to prevent theft.
- Wear a helmet in accordance with Washington State’s Bicycle Helmet Law.
- The school is not responsible for damage to or theft of bicycles while on school property.
Breakfast is available for students from 7:35 to 7:48 a.m. To promote cleanliness throughout the building and on the courtyard, students should consume all food in the Commons. Students are permitted to carry water bottles during the day (with some exceptions per specific classroom activities).
Our campus hours for students depend on the days of the week and late start schedule. Doors open at 7:35 a.m. on Mondays through Thursdays, or at 9:05 a.m. on late start Fridays. Due to contractual guidelines and meeting commitments, no students will be allowed into the building prior to these times. Also, for the safety and security of our students, Risdon is a closed-campus school. This means that all students must stay on school grounds once they arrive at school and remain on campus until the end of the school day, unless checked out through our attendance office. On Monday-Thursday, all campus activities typically conclude by 4 p.m. at which point students are expected to depart via activity buses or family pick-up. If a student leaves campus without authorization they will be recorded as truant and shadowed per district guidance and will receive disciplinary consequences.
School-sponsored fundraisers and merchandise are the only authorized sales activity on campus. Students are prohibited from selling, purchasing, or any form of distribution of personal merchandise on school property. Any money or merchandise in a student’s possession that is determined to be linked to buying or selling personal items on campus will be confiscated and given to the family, with a corrective action assigned to the student.
For safety purposes, students must be able to hear staff directions throughout the school day. Parents needing to contact their student during the day should call the main office at (425) 204-2700 so the student can be notified.
Any student choosing to bring any electronic device to school has the responsibility to follow these expectations:
· Devices may be accessed briefly during lunch in order to play music using headphones. Devices are not to be used for any other purpose throughout the entirety of the school day. Students are expected to put headphones away upon entry into classroom spaces whether the student is listening to music or not, and to follow the direction of their teachers regarding classroom rules related to devices/headphones during class time. Devices are to remain put away in classrooms, with headphones also put away during class time, unless specific permission for use is granted by the teacher.
· The use of cameras and video recorders is strictly prohibited unless under the direct supervision of a staff member. If a student is found to be in violation of this expectation, the device will be confiscated, secured in the office, held for the duration of any investigation that may be initiated (which may include a search of the relevant contents of the device for investigative purposes), and only returned to the parent at the conclusion of the investigation.
· In support of our anti-harassment policies and to promote a safe and welcoming learning environment, students may not electronically record, stream, text, or post anything to any non-school website or social media service (including Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) throughout the school day. If a student violates this expectation, the device may be confiscated and searched, the student’s family will be contacted, and the student will receive a corrective action. Items will be returned to families following any investigation.
· Any disruption to our learning environment that stems from the use or misuse of an electronic device will be investigated, and the student(s) responsible will receive corrective action. Students’ devices will be confiscated by administration or safety officer and held in the main office until a family may retrieve them after the end of the school day. In addition, repeated violations of these expectations will result in loss of the privilege of having access to these devices at all while at school. Please note: by bringing a cell phone or electronic device to school, the student and their family consent to search of the device by administration based on reasonable suspicion as part of an investigation (Policy 3245). In addition, if incidents related to inappropriate technology use occur, students are expected to follow all directions given, including handing the device to the staff member if/when requested.
· The school is NOT responsible for the recovery of lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices brought to school, as our resources need to be focused on student learning.
During the school day, students are encouraged to carry water bottles with closable caps/lids, unless specifically prohibited per teacher direction based on the class’s learning activity. Students should only bring individual portions of food for the school day (see Lunches section below). Any beverages other than water are prohibited in classrooms. Large bags of chips/candy/cookies or containers of baked goods are not allowed due to the disruption they create when students share them with other students. Also, energy drinks are prohibited at all times due to health/safety standards. Prior to 7:50 a.m., outside beverages (such as coffee, tea, hot chocolate) are allowed only in the Commons, and must be disposed of at the warning bell (7:50 a.m.).
Due to medical conditions such as allergies, and the disruption created when these products are used at school, the possession or use of fragrances, such as body sprays (e.g., AXE), perfume, aroma-therapy products, fragrant lotions, hairspray, etc., are prohibited on campus or on school buses. Offending items will be confiscated, and the student will be asked to remove the fragrance(s) from their body.
Risdon is a GUM-FREE SCHOOL. Students, staff, visitors, and volunteers are all expected to respect this policy. Anyone chewing gum will be directed to throw the gum away immediately.
To ensure that everyone is safe throughout the school day, students are expected to follow these guidelines:
· Walk in the halls and on the stairs; at the end of the day, keep moving until you are clear of the stairs.
· Help maintain efficient movement through the halls by going directly to your next assigned location.
· Use quiet conversational voices and avoid loud noises, such as shouting, yelling, or screaming.
· Keep moving on the stairs and landings; avoid stopping to talk in a manner that blocks others from moving safely.
· Do not rough-house or create other dangerous situations, including anything around the second story railings and light bays.
· Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself at ALL times.
· Treat wall coverings, trim-work, furniture, and built-in benches with respect, using them only for their intended purpose.
· Reminder: food and beverages are only allowed in the Commons – not in hallways, on stairways, or in grade level halls.
Hate SpeEch policy
Students and staff of all identities have a right to learn and feel safe at school. It is our school policy that no one should be treated differently based on their race, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, or disability. Hate speech and acts of discrimination will not be tolerated.
Lunches are held in our Commons area each day. When dismissed for lunch, students must report to the commons within five (5) minutes and remain in the commons until released to go outside, to the library, or until the lunch period ends. Students will be directed where to sit based on the most current COVID guidelines once the year begins.
· In order to maintain a safe experience for all students, we have established expectations and boundaries for where you may be during lunch, both inside and outside. If you are not sure where you are allowed to be, please ask an adult supervisor.
· Before entering the lunch line, students should place their backpacks on or under their selected seat. Students are NOT to move other students’ backpacks.
· Students are expected to stay seated in their chosen seat throughout lunch, unless otherwise directed.
· Each cafeteria table can accommodate up to 12 students; one student is allowed per seat/stool, do not share stools or sit on another student’s lap.
· To demonstrate respect, please wait patiently in the lunch line (don’t cut in front of others), do not save seats or exclude others from your table, be sure to clean up your area, and follow school-wide behavior expectations.
· Clean up after yourself (table and floor area), place trash and food directly into the trash cans (no throwing or tossing anything), stack up all disposable trays and paper items, and do not take food outside.
· For each table group, a table captain will be selected randomly by administration during each lunch, and this student will be responsible for ensuring the table and area underneath is clean and free of trash before the table will be dismissed. All students will have the opportunity and responsibility to serve as a table captain during the school year.
· Recycle when appropriate.
· Students may use the restrooms located in the foyer of the Gym during lunch.
· Reminder—students are not to bring large packages of food (chips, candy, etc.) or large bottles of non-water drinks (soda, energy drinks, juices, lemonade, etc.) to share with other students. Large items will be confiscated and thrown away.
Students will be assigned their own locker for P.E. class. Students are expected to follow these P.E. locker guidelines, and any additional instructions from the P.E. teachers:
· Keep your combination secret! Don't share your combo with your friends or let someone look over your shoulder while opening your P.E. locker.
· Do not change lockers, nor use someone else’s locker, nor let someone else use your locker. Each student is responsible for whatever is in the locker that has been assigned to the student.
· Keep your locker locked/secured at all times.
· Do not leave money or other valuables in your locker; the school is not responsible for any articles stolen from lockers.
· Keep your locker clean and organized.
NOTE: It is important to remember that lockers are on loan for student use, while remaining school district property. Periodic and unannounced inspections may be made, fines may be assessed for damage, and corrective actions may result from any rule violations related to locker misuse/abuse.
To support a safe and welcoming learning environment, and for health and safety reasons, students are prohibited from bringing the following to school: skateboards, scooters, gambling related items (such as dice), toys, blankets, fidget devices, slime, or any other distracting object(s). If observed, these items will be confiscated, and the parent will need to pick up the item at the end of the school day. Repeated violations may result in the assignment of corrective actions. There may be spirit days during the year where exceptions are made for some items, such as blankets on “Pajama Day”, but all such exceptions will be announced in advance.
Public displays of affection (PDA) are not allowed at school at any time. PDA includes, but is not limited to: romantic hugging, hand-holding, kissing, cuddling, sitting on lap, etc. Parents will be contacted and repeated violations may result in corrective action.
For the safety of everyone on campus, students who witness or have knowledge of potentially dangerous or unsafe behavior (such as other students planning a fight, being in possession of or under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol, or in possession of a weapon) are expected to immediately report this information to a staff member. Students found to have prior knowledge of such information who do not report it may be assigned corrective actions.
In order to ensure students are in class during academic hours, students should use the restroom before the school day, during passing periods and lunch, or after school. If needed, bathroom passes may be provided after the first ten minutes and before the last ten minutes of class. Students should do their best to use the restroom during the above personal times. Students should use the restroom closest to their classroom, except during lunch when students should use the restroom in the gym foyer. Public schools must allow students to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. Gender-neutral bathrooms are available in the nurse’s clinic.
As guests in our building, we expect everyone to treat guest teachers with respect at all times. When the regular classroom teacher is absent, the guest teacher is the authority in the classroom. Teachers who return to find a guest teacher reporting inappropriate behavior from students (for individual students or class behavior) will follow up with classroom discipline or administrative referrals, as necessary. Teachers are encouraged to reward classes (with PAWs, etc.) that demonstrate positive behaviors with guest teachers.
Risdon does not have personal lockers for student usage. Students carrying their belongings throughout the day, and thus are advised to bring the minimum supplies necessary to move through a school day with efficiency. Students are strongly encouraged to leave unneeded miscellaneous items at home as the school is not responsible for lost or missing items. During P.E. class, the gym locker rooms have lockers for student use, which will be assigned by the P.E. teachers. Musical instruments must be stored in the band/orchestra storage lockers.
There are many opportunities at Risdon to use a variety of technologies, especially as we moved to 1:1 with our Chromebooks for students. It is our expectation that students follow the district’s Responsible Use Policy, and all procedures and expectations given by teachers and other adults related to the use of technology in our school and district. Students are prohibited from downloading or running any files that are not directly related to an academic endeavor assigned by a teacher (including software, media files, games, and any other unauthorized files). In addition, students may not navigate to any proxy website or bring a proxy-based tool that would allow them to bypass the district’s internet filter. Each student and their family must review the “Responsible Use Policy” as part of gaining access to use school district computers. If computers or laptops are damaged while in possession of or being used by a student, it will be reported to the appropriate administrator and district staff for corrective action(s) and/or fines/restitution
Our School Stands Against Discrimination
Discrimination can happen when someone is treated differently or unfairly because they are part of a protected class, including their race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, use of a service animal, or veteran or military status. Renton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of any of these protected groups and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Read more about Non-discrimination, including what it is and how to report it.
Dress Code
Risdon Middle School’s student dress code supports equitable educational access and is written in a manner that does not reinforce stereotypes. To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this dress code, school staff shall enforce the dress code consistently and in a manner that does not reinforce or increase marginalization or oppression of any group based on race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, household income or body type/size.
Our values are:
- All students should be able to dress comfortably for school without fear of or actual unnecessary discipline or body shaming.
- All students and staff should understand that they are responsible for managing their own personal "distractions" without regulating individual students' clothing/self-expression.
- Teachers can focus on teaching without the additional and often uncomfortable burden of dress code enforcement.
- Students should not face unnecessary barriers to school attendance.
- Reasons for conflict and inconsistent discipline should be minimized whenever possible.
Our student dress code is designed to accomplish several goals:
- Maintain a safe learning environment in classes where protective or supportive clothing is needed, such as in science (eye or body protection) or PE (athletic attire/shoes).
- Allow students to wear clothing of their choice that is comfortable.
- Allow students to wear clothing that expresses their self-identified gender.
- Allow students to wear religious attire without fear of discipline or discrimination.
- Prevent students from wearing clothing or accessories with offensive images or language, including profanity, hate speech, and pornography.
- Prevent students from wearing clothing or accessories that denote, suggest, display or reference alcohol, drugs or related paraphernalia or other illegal conduct or activities.
- Prevent students from wearing clothing or accessories that will interfere with the operation of the school, disrupt the educational process, invade the rights of others, or create a reasonably foreseeable risk of such interference or invasion of rights.
- Prevent students from wearing clothing or accessories that reasonably can be construed as being or including content that is racist, lewd, vulgar or obscene, or that reasonably can be construed as containing fighting words, speech that incites others to imminent lawless action, defamatory speech, or threats to others.
- Ensure that all students are treated equitably regardless of race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, cultural observance, household income, or body type/size.
1. Basic Principle: Certain body parts must be covered for all students
Clothes must be worn in a way such that genitals, buttocks, and nipples are covered with opaque material. Cleavage does not have coverage requirements. All items listed in the “must wear” and “may wear” categories below must meet this basic principle.
2. Students Must Wear:*
- Shirt (with fabric in the front, back, and on the sides under the arms), AND
- Bottom: pants/sweatpants/shorts/skirt/dress/leggings, AND
- Shoes
* Courses that include attire as part of the curriculum (for example, professionalism, public speaking, and job/career readiness) may include assignment-specific dress but should not focus on covering bodies in a particular way or promoting culturally-specific attire. Activity-specific shoes requirements are permitted with teacher communication (for example, for PE/sports).
3. Students Cannot Wear:
- Violent language or images.
- Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity) or the use of same.
- Hate speech, profanity, pornography.
- Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment based on any protected class.
- Visible underwear. Visible waistbands or straps on undergarments worn under other clothing are not a violation.
- Swimsuits.
- Helmets, sunglasses, or headgear that obscures the face (except as a religious observance).
- Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon.
Note: This updated version of our Risdon Dress Code was inspired by the model dress code published as Oregon NOW Model Dress Code in 2016, and included input from staff and students in Spring, 2021.
General Procedures
Please familiarize yourself with the following procedures in order to support a positive school experience.
Academic progress and attendance information is available online through the district’s Family Access website or Skyward app. Username and log-in information is made available to families at the start of each school year or upon enrollment. The Registrar is happy to provide additional student progress and attendance information when requested. Please feel free to contact the relevant teacher or grade level counselor with any additional questions regarding academic progress.
Any injury that occurs while a student is at school must be reported immediately to the student's teacher, any other available adult, or the student may report directly to the Clinic. Once the injury is reported, staff will take action to address the situation and contact the families as soon as possible.
On designated Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, activity buses will provide transportation home for regular bus riders who attend approved after-school activities. Students who are not participating in approved activities or choose to leave campus at any time after school may not return to school to ride the activity bus. The activity bus will leave Risdon at approximately 4:10 p.m. and has limited drop sites.
Extra-curricular activities include field trips and dances. Students must have been in attendance for the full school day or be absent excused from part of the day.
After-school activities include intramural athletic teams and after-school clubs that run from 2:40 to 4:00
p.m. on designated Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. In order to participate in these activities (other than homework clubs and detentions), students must have a current ASB Card and must have been in attendance for the full school day or be absent excused from part of the day.
Per district policy, due to potential medical problems such as allergic reactions, animals are not allowed in the building without prior notification to and approval from the principal. Service animals wearing proper identification are permitted to assist the appropriately designated individuals.
Families of all students who plan to try out for or participate in a sport must complete our online registration process before the day of the first team meeting. Access to the Family ID website is available through the school website under the Athletics tab. Families are welcome to contact the ASB office before the deadline in order to schedule a time to complete this registration using school technology.
Students must remain eligible (see Extra-Curricular Eligibility below), clear all fines, and purchase an ASB Card before they can try out for or participate in any sport. Student athletes and team managers must remain eligible throughout the season in order to participate in athletics. Note: failure to return assigned athletic team uniform(s) will result in a fine being added to the student’s account and may impact the student’s ability to participate in athletics the following season or school year.
Students may purchase juice, water, or other offered items during lunch and after school. All food and non- water drinks are to be consumed in the Commons. Machines are provided and maintained by outside vendors and are to be used at the risk of the student - no refunds will be issued by the school.
Any change in a student’s phone number, address, contact information, etc., must be reported to the Registrar within two weeks of the change. This ensures that school records accurately reflect the student’s emergency contact information. For safety reasons, this information must be kept current throughout the school year.
The daily bulletin will be read aloud 1st Period. The bulletin is also posted in the main office and on our school website. The daily bulletin is a great resource for families to use in order to stay apprised of the many happenings at Risdon.
Balloons, flowers, gifts: Due to allergies and the disruption they cause to our learning environment, balloons, flowers, and gifts are not to be brought to school and will not be delivered to students during the school day.
Outside food: Only a sack lunch or lunch money for students who may have forgotten their lunch may be dropped off at the front office, preferably before 10:30 a.m., so that students will receive the delivery before lunch begins. Due to the disruption in the lunchroom, no other outside food deliveries will be accepted.
Both After-School and Lunch Intervention are restorative actions that may be assigned to address behavior violations. Intervention sessions are served in room R160. Students will use this time to engage in restorative processes.
After-School Intervention is held in the Intervention Room, R160, unless otherwise stated on the intervention notice, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 2:40 to 4:00 p.m. Students are required to take the intervention notice home for a parent/guardian’s signature and must return the notice to the assigning teacher or detention supervisor. This notification informs families when students are required to stay after school. Activity buses are available for students following After-School Intervention.
Lunch Intervention is held in the same Intervention Room and is assigned by administration, as needed. Procedures will be shared with assigned students by the Intervention supervisor. Students found to be disrupting the lunch environment may be immediately assigned to lunch intervention for the remainder of that lunch and/or subsequent lunches.
In the event of a minor emergency that requires a delayed start to the school day (such as a mild snow day, etc.), we will follow district guidance, which may include a 90-minute late-start or 2-hour delay schedule.
Students are expected to attend school and be on time for late-start or delayed-start days.
To be able to participate in non-academic extra-curricular activities such as field trips, athletic teams, celebration events (throughout the year), ASB events, and PTA-sponsored events (dances, etc.), students must remain eligible.
Students remain eligible by exhibiting appropriate behavior at school and all school events. Eligibility can be lost as part of a disciplinary response:
• Risdon administration reserves the right to exclude students from extra-curricular activities as part of disciplinary actions related to student behavior violations on a case-by-case basis;
• Any student with two (2) or more out-of-school suspensions in the same academic year will be excluded from participating in all non-academic extra-curricular activities for 30 school days from the return date of the most recent suspension.
Students must pay all fines (includes textbook and library fines) before being cleared to participate in athletics, clubs, school dances, and celebration events.
Throughout the school day, students leaving class are expected to have one of the following:
Hall Pass: Written, timed passes, issued by classroom teachers to grant permission for students to be out of their assigned class. The student is expected to go about their business quickly and quietly. Being able to leave class on a pass is a privilege, and students are expected to behave responsibly while using a pass.
Request to Report: Passes may be issued by Counselors, Attendance, Administrators, Security, or other staff members. When the pass is delivered, students are to travel directly from the classroom to the appropriate office. After meeting, the student will be dismissed with the time recorded on the pass from the staff member, at which point the student is to return directly back to class.
During any excused absence, families are encouraged to contact the student’s teachers via email or voicemail to request homework or to seek assignment clarification. If a student is absent for three consecutive days, families may make a homework request through the attendance office. Please allow 24 hours for requests to be filled. Completed requests may be picked up anytime between 7:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the attendance office. Teachers also have the option of maintaining coursework online. Students may access this work through the school website and may email teachers for additional information.
Every Risdon student will be issued an I.D. Card at the beginning of the year at no cost to the family. Students/families are encouraged to upgrade the I.D. Card to an ASB Card for $25.00, which supports our after-school programs. Students must have an ASB Card in order to participate in afterschool ASB activities or sports. To help support a safe environment, students must carry their school I.D. or ASB Card while at school and during any school function. Students need a current I.D. or ASB card to purchase dance tickets and to check out library books. If the I.D. Card is lost, replacement cards may be purchased in the ASB Office for $5.00.
Identifying Oneself: When asked by any staff member, students must immediately identify themselves by their correct name. Any student abusing pass privileges may be placed on a No Pass List and will not be allowed out of class except when called for by security, an administrator, a counselor, or in the case of an emergency.
ISS is another progressive corrective action used to address ongoing inappropriate school behavior(s). ISS is served in the Intervention Room in R160. Students will use this time to engage in restorative processes, and/or independently and silently complete class work or engage in other extended academic activities, and/or practice de-escalation and plan for re-entry into the learning environment. If students are disruptive while serving in the Intervention Room, consequences may be revised to out-of-school suspension (OSS).
All found items are to be turned in at the Main Office. Parents are encouraged to guide students to keep expensive personal items at home. Due to the potential disruption to teaching and learning, Risdon staff are not obligated to search for lost electronics or other high-value items, and we are not responsible for the loss or damage to any personal property. We suggest writing your student’s name on any personal items. Lost items unclaimed within a reasonable time will be donated to local charity organizations.
If a student is required to take medication at school, the medication MUST be in the original prescription container and be stored by the school nurse in the Clinic. The nurse can arrange a medication schedule in the Clinic. No medications may be taken without a signed consent form from a doctor and parent on file in the Clinic. This includes all prescription and non-prescription medicines, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cough drops, vitamins, etc. Sunscreen lotion is allowed if it is labeled with the student’s name. Failure to follow district guidelines related to taking medication at school may result in disciplinary actions, potentially including suspension. Students may carry prescribed inhalers or epi-pens once a written physician consent document is on file with the nurse.
To receive temporary medical exclusion (up to three days) from a Physical Education class due to an injury or other medical reason, student must submit a signed note from a parent. A signed physician’s note is required for exclusions longer than three days. Both notes must include the specific dates of exclusion and the reason for the exclusion.
Risdon's school nurse and Clinic are located within the Main Office. If students are ill (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), they should not come to school since they may expose others to the illness, and should remain home for at least 24 hours without any symptoms. If students become ill at school, they must get a pass from the teacher to report to the Clinic and check in with the adult on duty. Unless it is an emergency, students may not go directly to the Clinic without a pass from their teacher. Students may never leave campus without first reporting to the Attendance Office to complete the early dismissal process. To make arrangements to go home, students will work with Clinic staff to contact their family (students should not contact their families without Clinic staff first being made aware). A parent or authorized adult as noted on the student’s Emergency Contact Form must show picture identification in order to sign out the student.
All students must wear a Risdon uniform for P.E., which may be purchased at Wolfpack Days or at the ASB Office. P.E. teachers will provide any additional guidelines related to appropriate P.E. attire. Families in need of financial assistance with purchasing P.E. attire should speak to your student’s counselor.
Renton middle schools use a Standards-Based Report Card. Report cards are distributed to students within approximately ten days of the end of each grading period or mailed home for the last trimester.
Both Risdon Middle School and the Renton School District use an automated messaging system, called School Messenger, to communicate with our students’ families. A variety of messages are sent through this system, such as notification that your student has been required to attend an after-school activity, announcements about upcoming special events, and updates regarding inclement weather. Automated messages are sent to the primary contact number and primary email address listed in our system.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to visit our school by establishing communication in advance with our teaching and administrative staff. We welcome families interested in offering hallway or Commons supervision support (Gamma Pack), or academic assistance as tutors for students, all of which first involves a volunteer clearing process that must be followed. Many of our general volunteer opportunities at Risdon are coordinated through our PTA, which we enthusiastically encourage everyone to join. To provide a safe and effective learning environment, the following visitor guidelines apply:
• Students may not bring drop-in visitors to school at any time (e.g., cousins, friends from other schools, younger or older siblings, etc.).
• Due to the size of our school and limited resources, we cannot accommodate families visiting students at lunch (except those pre-cleared to volunteer as lunch-time supervisors, such as Gamma Pack).
• Families interested in being a classroom, lunchtime, or afterschool volunteer are welcome to contact our Main Office and follow the district’s volunteer protocol.
• Families may “shadow” their student on a limited basis after obtaining administrative approval at least 48 hours in advance. We must offer at least 24 hours’ notice to teaching staff as part of this process (see district Policy 4200 and Procedure 4200P).
All family volunteers must have a current Renton School District-approved Washington State Patrol form and Volunteer Background Questionnaire on file.
For the safety of everyone at Risdon Middle School, all visitors must check in at the Main Office for
permission to be on campus. Once approved, visitors will need to wear a visitor’s pass/nametag while on campus and return to the Main Office to check out at the conclusion of the visit.
A phone is available in the Main Office telephone for student use in emergency situations and for school-related business. If students are not feeling well, they should ask for a pass to the Clinic. The Nurse or Clinic Assistant will assess and then assist with contacting the family.
If families are out of town, they are expected to notify the school to provide information as to where the child is staying and the current emergency contact.
When students are issued textbooks, they should be signed and treated with respect while in students’ possession. They will remain the responsibility of the student until the textbook is checked in by the teacher. Students will be given the opportunity to note any prior textbook damage when they receive the book; however, all subsequent damage or loss of the textbook will result in a fine. If a book is lost or stolen, the student must pay for the cost of replacement before another textbook will be issued. The fines associated with your student’s record will remain in effect through high school and can detrimentally impact high school graduation, so we encourage families to pay all fines/fees annually or communicate with us to request a payment plan.
Phone (425) 204-4455
All students who ride Renton School District school buses are expected to ride their designated bus and are responsible for knowing and following the bus rules as provided by bus drivers at the beginning of the school year. The driver is in complete charge of the bus and every student on their bus. Students must follow the driver’s directions promptly and without argument. The Transportation Department will work with school administration and our Safety Officer, as needed, to investigate bus-related behavior issues and determine appropriate disciplinary actions.
Bus Passes: Students wishing to ride an alternate bus other than their designated route must bring a signed note from a parent or guardian to the Attendance Office before school or at lunch, not after school. Bus passes are for limited use and are not intended to be issued on an on-going basis. We cannot accept phone calls to approve a change in assigned bus route.
Notes must include the student’s first and last name, grade, regular bus route number, the first and last name of the student with whom they are riding, as well as the route number of that student’s bus (the alternate route). In order to have time to process requests, notes need to be turned in to the Attendance Office by 12:30 p.m.
Bus passes will be granted or denied depending on the capacity of the bus. The bus driver may refuse to honor a bus pass at any time due to safety regulations (e.g., overcrowding, etc.).
Our School Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. Our District Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) webpage defines HIB, explains what to do if you see or experience it, and our school and district process for responding to it.
Our School is Gender-Inclusive
In Washington, all students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school. Our school will:
- Address students by their requested name and pronouns, with or without a legal name change
- Change a student’s gender designation and have their gender accurately reflected in school records
- Allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity
- Allow students to participate in sports, physical education courses, field trips, and overnight trips in accordance with their gender identity
- Keep health and education information confidential and private
- Allow students to wear clothing that reflects their gender identity and apply dress codes without regard to a student’s gender or perceived gender
- Protect students from teasing, bullying, or harassment based on their gender or gender identity
Read our full commitment to Gender-Inclusive Schools.