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Conference Format

Traditionally, Risdon Middle School has held “arena conferences” in the fall as a way for families and teachers to discuss student progress. This year we are holding “student-led conferences,” online. This format will empower our students to actively reflect on their learning and practice goal-setting. 

Conferences will take place on November 23 between 12:30pm and 3:30pm and on November 24 from 12:30pm to 4:30pm, and then between 5:30pm to 7:30pm.

Your student will be working on a presentation to show during the online conference which they will lead, sharing information on how they’re doing at school this year.  The conference is with your student and their 1st period teacher, not all six teachers, but your student will prepare information about all of their classes.  Conferences will last around 10-15 minutes.

Look for an email from your student's 1st Period teacher the week of Nov. 9th, which will include details on how to sign up for conferences. 

If you would like to schedule an appointment with all of your student’s teachers, please reach out to the grade-level counselor.  

Andrea Lehwalder, 6th Grade       Sophia Simpson-Verger, 7th Grade         Maggi Kellogg, 8th Grade

Contact Information Changes & Updates?
Please contact Sharon Jones, the Risdon registrar at  It is important that we have current contact information on file at all times.